Nick Adams had me running out to buy the latest issue of 'Exercise For Men' to see his layout.

DaveID from Dreamcaps continues to provide us weekly updates of Jon Foster shirtless from Accidentally On Purpose.

A poster at ModelHommes posted these great shots of Jeff Tomsik from Geil Magazine.

Oh La La has a preview of 'How To Read' featuring models Benedict Tufnell, Bart Grivvy, Joey Slomowitz, Matt Raimo and Josh Truesdell. 'How To Read' is a new shoot by Bruce Weber for VMAN.

Speaking of Bruce Weber, his new short film, the beautiful 'Ain't Nothin' Like The Real Thing' shown at the YSL show is up at youtube. Featured in the video: Simon Nessman, Terron Wood, Josh Yajcaji and Paolo Anchisi.