One of the things I think separates FH from some other blogs is my not just posting about the latest hot guy or thing, but also by taking a look back to the past. As someone whose teen years were in the 80's I know that for many of us, our taste in those we love begins at an early age. I find it interesting to look at some of the men we admire and love who helped form who we are today. That is why FH has several categories of posts from 'Blast From The Past' and 'flashback'. Although I don't make these posts as often as I used to, they remain some of my favorites.

One of the guys who motivated my look back was actor Michael Biehn. Michael has been a part of my motion picture viewing from as long as I can remember. From big budget flicks like Terminator and The Abyss to lower budget flicks like The Fan (so bad that it is so good, not to mention fun). Michael also was one of the first men I saw on screen baring his beautiful backside. As you can see from these early posts from 2007 & 2008 when I first began FH, I was long on picture posting and short on writing. That being said, it is always a good day to take a look back at the beautiful and talented actor Michael Biehn.

First Posted in 2008
Last October I did a post about one of my favorite actors, Michael Biehn who I feel really deserved to have gained more fame and better roles in Hollywood. I had these caps by Alberto (thanks Alberto!) of Michael from his rarely seen film 'The Martyrdom of Saint Sabastian. thought I should finally post them.

First Posted October 2007
Favorite 'Should be a superstar' Michael Biehn
Actor Michael Biehn should be a superstar. Sure he works steadily and is successful but with his great looks and great acting chops he should have been huge. Love him anyway.

Great Michael Site:
Michael Biehn has had many great performances, these three are not his best work, but for some reason they are my favorites:
Coach: Just silly fun.

The Terminator

The Fan: Trashy, Campy, so bad it is fun to watch