-Chris Noth-

It is a testament to the writers of The Good Wife that I am enjoying Chris Noth in his role as Peter Florrick. I have actually really quite hated Noth in most of his previous work. I did not see much of him on Law & Order, but his role as Mr. Big in Sex and the City is one of many reason I never really got into the show. Mr. Big was an ass and I always felt he treated Carrie like shit. I was firmly in the camp of never wanting them to get together. I think Noth (and argue if you don't agree) is one of those men who appeals much more to women than gay men. Women seemed to LOVE Mr. Big but I just saw him as a tool.
Noth also plays a bit of an arrogant ass on The Good Wife, but in this case there appears to be more clearly written motivations for his actions. In addition, the woman in his life, unlike in SATC, is not sitting back waiting for him to change. She is firmly in control.

-Matt Czuchry-

When actor Matt Czuchry joined The Gilmore Girls in the shows last few seasons I was not a fan. Sure he was adorable but I was a die hard Jess/Rory fan and found his character simply just annoying. Matt certainly has turned this around with his role as Cary. As The Good Wife ends its first season we are just getting to know Cary and the depths he will go to in order to achieve success. Really loving Matt in this role.

Below: Matt in 'I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell'

-Josh Charles-

This past March I did a series of posts about an actor I love, Josh Charles. Josh has been in some great projects, yet has never really gotten the attention he deserves. Hopefully his role of 'Will' on The Good Wife will correct that. Josh has always played complex characters and I think the show has just brushed the surface of Josh's character.
Below: Josh in 'Pie In The Sky'

Below: Josh in 'Threesome'