Two shots above of Hayden
Watching Big Brother has always been hit or miss for me. Some years I loved, some years I hated and several years I skipped watching all together.
It is early but this year is shaping up to be one that might be enjoyable. There are some players I am enjoying and a nice dose of eye candy. Like all eye candy though the more we get to know some of them the less appealing they become. Hayden is a hottie as is Brendon but neither one seem likely to have ever won a science fair. In fact Brendon becomes less hot the more he tries to talk science. Andrew, a cutie is actually giving me the creeps and Enzo thinks every conversation is an audition for a Soprano's remake. Matt though has gone from dorky to cutie.
We shall see what the summer brings. I will tell you one thing, Brendon's pants coming down through that competition last night, (even though blurred), was one of the hottest teases I have ever seen on the show.
Below Brendon.

Below: Matt

Below: Matt and Hayden

Thanks to DaveID for some of the caps above!