Above: Andrew Civinelli
Now that FH has been up for close to 3 years it has been exciting to watch the progression of some of the artists I have profiled. About this time last year I saw some shots of model Sergio Hiram by one of my favorite photographers Thomas Synnamon. In researching Sergio I was fortunate to discover the work of Toronto's Chris Teel. (See the post of Chris's work with Sergio below).
I remember when I first contacted Chris about a profile that what struck me most was that he was never in one place for too long. Chris was always emailing me back that he would get back to me in a day or two as he was on the road for a shoot. It seemed Chris was constantly traveling Eastern Canada shooting beautiful men. I was immediately drawn to Chris for his work yes, but equally so, his story. Although Chris had been a photographer for many years, he had only recently decided to leave his office job to focus on his dream of photographing images of the male physique. As I have written before on FH, photography was once one of my dreams and when I am at my desk at work I often think of leaving it all to follow one of my many dreams and taking the risk that Chris Teel did.
In addition to leaving his job, Chris moved across Canada to Toronto to be where the models are. This time last year Chris had a blog much like FH and a page on MM. Over the past 12 months, Chris has worked hard and focused on developing his skills as a photographer. The results have led to some amazing work. Chris's profile in the industry has risen quickly and I have enjoyed seeing his work pop up on some of my favorite sites. Most recently Chris and his vampire series, Brothers in Blood was featured on Beautiful Mag.
Below: Claudiu

Chris says:
"Though I tend to shoot different concepts, my photographic style has been described as consistently “masculine”, “aggressive” and “sexy”. I am inspired by an eclectic mix of photographers including Justin Monroe, Rick Day, Terry Richardson, Matthias Herrmann and others. I like to have fun in my shoots and I believe that translates to the final result."
Although I agree with each of the three adjectives I might add assertive and honest as well. Chris is up front about what he wants, both in his life and in his work. This directness cuts through a lot of the obstacles that get in the way of many. I think along with his talent, knowing what he is looking for, in and through, his work have helped fast track his journey.
Chris says that although ‘male physique’ photography will always be a primary focus, he is currently developing his portfolio and expanding into fashion and commercial work.. With his focus on photographing 'the male physique, Chris has created a site, The Fine Art Of Chris Teel, which does an outstanding job of showcasing Chris and his ever growing portfolio. Please take some time to further explore Chris Teel and his work at his site HERE:
Below: Jae Garcia