Ok, for some this might be pretty easy, but it was a surprise to me. What do Marie Osmond, Dane Cook and Betty White have in common? Yes I am sure that Osmond and White shared the stage several times, both are tv staples and I am sure White was on Donny & Marie or they danced together with Bob Hope but what is the connection with Cook?
And yes this post was a bit of an excuse post some Dane Cook Shots.
Cook may not be my favorite actor (not sure I have liked anything he has acted in) but he is a favorite comedian of mine. His live performances crack me up and I find him incredibly sexy!

For those who did not know the connection, see below:
From 1995-1996 Cook co-starred along with Osmond, White, Ashley Johnson and Craig Craig Ferguson in the sitcom Maybe This Time. The show lasted just 18 episodes but Cook came on board as a regular near the end of the run. Typical bland situation comedy saved of course by the comic timing of Betty White.

There is a full episode on YOUTUBE (Cook is not in the episode, but Cloris Leachman is).