Here are the top 10:
1 USA Evan Lysacek 257.67

2 RUS Evgeni Plushenko 256.36

Evgeni Plushenko just didn't have the goods last night but still an amazing skater who I love to watch.

3 JPN Daisuke Takahashi 247.23

Daisuke was a joy to watch, what a solid and beautiful jumper!

4 SUI Stephane Lambiel 246.72

Although I do love Stephane Lambiel, if I had been a judge last night I would have put him at 6th under Chan and Weir. I just did not feel the engery in his long program last night.

5 CAN Patrick Chan 241.42

Canada's Patrick Chan is so sweet and adorable, such a great grin. Although the World's silver medalist must be disappointed he is still just 19 and has another Olympics ahead of him. His foot work is some of the best in the world.

6 USA Johnny Weir 238.87
Weir was certainly underscored by the judges, but not by much. His hard work paid off with 2 great performances and he should be proud. I did however think his long program lacked the grace and excitement of some of the other men. I certainly would not have put Weir up to third, but maybe 4th or 5th. I though Chan's footwork was far superior, but Weir put in one hell of a skate!

The final 4 in the top 10
7 JPN Nobunari Oda 238.54
8 JPN Takahiko Kozuka 231.19
9 USA Jeremy Abbott 218.96
10 CZE Michal Brezina 216.73