Canadian Model Matthew Coatsworth looking amazing in White!
Four Images below via Fabien Montique.

Matthew Coatsworth
Agency Elmer Olsen (Toronto)
Hometown London, ON
Background Pure Canadian
Modelling Since February '07
Age 22
Height 6'2" (188 cm)
Hair Dark Brown
Eyes Blue/Green
Discovered Walked into the agency after hearing about their reputation and that was that. It was a pretty easy choice.
Best Modelling Moment Being able to travel the world and let it be known Canada is the best country in the world and I roll with a crew like no other...
Awkward Modelling Moment Never been hit on by a guy before until i entered the fashion business...umm that was a little differnet from my day to day life. just like every other model i quicky adjusted to that.
Favourite Market NYC...best city, best girls, best clubs, everythings free...what else do you need?
Favourite Model I'd have to go with this guy named Andrew Coatsworth...he's just so damn sexy...runner up...Adriana Lima... I heard she wants to have my babies
Most Embassing song on your iPod Don't own an ipod...you miss out on so many random drunk foreign people yelling crazy things during the day with an ipod and those people are way more entertaining
Below: Matthew by Gregory Vaughan.