Just Because: When is too soon...
Was saddened to see on 'The Today Show' yesterday friends of Corey Haim going through his things deciding what they will put up on ebay. It would be nice to think this was because they wanted to share a piece of Corey with his fans. That might be something I could swallow if it were a month or two from now. Given it was the day after he died...nah. Money is a dirty motivator.
Below: Corey in the beautiful film 'Lucas' (1986).

I never thought I was a big Corey Haim fan. The last decade or so I, like many others I am sure thought of Corey more for his struggles than for his accomplishments. It is sad to me that when one dies it is the struggles that get the attention. I was surprised looking back at his career how many of his films I loved. 'The Lost Boys' and 'Lucas' would be at the top of my list.
My 'too soon' question though is not about the friends selling on ebay it is about nudity. Corey had a nude scene in 'Blown Away' and if you search this blog the shots of his beautiful butt are on full display. My question is do we really want these shots posted on the heels of his death. Corey was an actor, not a model and not an actor who dropped his pants every time the camera rolled.
I was a bit shocked on the heels of Corey's death how many male celebrity 'gay themed sites' and how many emails I got that showcased Corey's nude scene. Same thing happened when Heath Ledger and Brad Renfro died. I am not a prude, I capped the scenes, I posted the scenes but are those the pictures that should be posted just after a young celebrity dies.
Maybe I am alone in these thoughts, be curious to know. I have no issues with showing the beauty of a male celebrity after they have left us. I do have a problem doing so with an actor (maybe not a model) right after they die. To me it is like selling their personal items on ebay. That old corny word 'tacky' is the one that comes to mind. Be curious on others thoughts?