A big thumbs down to actress Katherine Heigl and the producers of Grey's Anatomy.
I know many of you think I am nuts, but I LOVE this show. At this time last year I was caught up in the wedding of Alex and Izzie as she got closer to dying from cancer. Too bad she survived. I was happy at the time... but since her recovery these two characters have been written like shit. Alex especially has been left hanging this season with the writers, despite the characters growth, take him back to the Alex of season 2.
One could blame it all on Heigl but think the Grey's writers are equally responsible. I don't watch this show for Mer and Der (Oh their fans are annoying). I watched for Alex and Izzie.
I painstakingly separated actor from character, and despite the silliness that is Katherine Heigl (no one will write you the material you had on Grey's period) I still loved Izzie. That is why it is so annoying that Heigl is not returning. I am ok she is leaving, but despite her convenient Entertainment Weekly 'save my reputation by admitting to a couple of things' cover story, there is no excuse or no new baby that should have kept her off the set for a day or two to wrap up her storyline with Alex.
People have lots of reasons from DVR's to reality tv as to why hour long dramas are losing ratings. In this case it is the actors and the show itself. Some of us stupidly wasted 5 years rooting for Izzie and Alex (still love ya Justin Chambers) only to have it end this way. A big thumbs down!