I was pretty excited when actor Jonathan Groff joined the cast of Glee in the guest role of Jesse St. James. Although I have not seen in him stage, I have seen him perform on youtube and television. I love the soundtrack to Spring Awakening and wish I had been in NY when he and Lea Michele were in the show.
I love getting to see this talented stage actor get to showcase his talents on a show that is reaching viewership highs. I am hoping it will lead to more notice for this underated actor. Jonathan, best known for his role in Spring Awakening, has also been on stage in Hair, The Sound Of Music, Fame, In My Life, Godspell and Prayer for My Enemy. Although the character is meant to be diliked, I can helped by loving Jonathan Groff.

Below: In 'Hair' with Will Swenson.

Below: Jonathan as Jesse St. James in Glee.

Below: Jonathan with Lea Michele in 'Spring Awakening'.