Above: Brandon by Tom Zuback.
One of my favorite actors, and favorite people Brandon Ruckdashel continues to be as busy as ever. Besides acting and singing, Brandon continues to focus on his passion for photography. You can check out Brandon's photography site HERE:
Brandon also just announced that season 4 of 'Coed Confidential' will be back for it's season premier on June 4th. Brandon is also getting ready for an upcoming project called 'Exposure' which I will update you on more as news comes out.
Brandon also has a starring role in screenwriter and director Rel Dowdell's new film 'Changing The Game'.
“When the game changes, so does everything you thought you had seen!”
“Changing The Game,” based on the screenplay by award-winning director Rel Dowdell, is the gripping story of two childhood friends from a gritty North Philadelphia neighborhood who choose divergent life paths but find themselves facing the same risks and, quite possibly, the same ending.
'Changing The Game' is set for release this fall. You can join the movies page on Facebook HERE: to find out more.