Chris Brown reportedly asked for the restraining order that stops him from meeting former girlfriend Rihanna to be lifted during a review hearing in his Rihanna beating case on Friday, January 29.
According to Radar Online, Brown's high profile lawyer, Mark Geragos, requested judge Patricia Schnegg to lift the restraining order since his client had completed 52 weeks of domestic violence counseling mandated by the court.
Geragos told the judge that the restraining order "makes it difficult at award shows and such."
The judge didn't immediately rule on the request, but suggested a modification to the restraining order with the approval of Rihanna's attorney David Etra. Geragos contacted Etra during a court recess, but Etra told Geragos that he would need to speak to Rihanna before agreeing to the change.
The judge then deferred a ruling on Geragos' request for a later date.
During the hearing, Judge Patricia once again commended Brown for the diligence with which he was fulfilling the terms of his August 2009 sentence that placed him on probation for five years and mandated 52 weeks of counseling and 1,400 hours in "labor-oriented service."
The judge had earlier praised Brown's diligence during a progress report hearing in November.