Monday was the revelation day for Oprah Winfrey, as was scheduled for her show in Chicago. The talk show host spoke openly about her pre-teen and teen years, riddled with poverty, sexual misadventures and, finally, birth of a child at 14 and his untimely death.
But her family had had other secrets that stayed concealed until lately, and the realization of which shook Winfrey “to the core” when she came to know them.
At the age of 56 the famous actress and host heard for the first time in her life that she had a half-sister!
Winfrey’s younger sister, Patricia, was born when Oprah was 9 years old. She recalls that back then she was living with her father Vernon and wasn’t even aware that her mother was pregnant. Before the baby was a year old she was given away for adoption.
Patricia, who is currently residing in Milwaukee, Wisc., had always wanted to find out who her mother was. She learned the truth about her birth only in 2006 and was astonished at the news that she has a world-famous sister.
Winfrey herself was on to the fact of existence of her half-sister in last November and hurried to meet her newly-found relative.
As she jokingly commented on it Friday, she had thought she knew all there is to know about life, but that was for her “the miracle of all miracles”!