A cross-eyed possum in Germany is predicting this year’s Oscar winners. Following in the footsteps of Paul the Octopus – who predicted the World Cup football results — Heidi the possum is giving her tips for the Academy Awards. Each day the cute marsupial is being released in a pen, where she comes face to face with a row of fake Oscar statuettes. Whichever statue she touches with her paw first signifies the winner in that category. Last night (Tuesday) Heidi picked Black Swan star Natalie Portman to take home the Best Actress award. The possum made Portman her chosen one after sniffing around the trophies and walking in and out of her box. The hilarious footage was broadcast on Jimmy Kimmel’s US chat show. A picture of each actress was taped to each statuette — complete with cross eyes to make Heidi feel at home. Heidi, who is believed to be two-and-a-half-years-old, was abandoned outside an animal shelter in North Carolina in the United States with her sister Naira, and has been living at Leipzig Zoo in Germany since May last year.