Just call him PentaPop! Kevin Federline — perhaps best known as the Britney Spears mistake with the hip-hop talents of a broken toaster — is going to be a father again, according to a new report heating up the blogosphere this Tuesday.
This keeps up and K-Fed will have enough kids to start his own Little League team.
Federline is expecting his first child with girlfriend Victoria Prince, a former professional volleyball player he’s been romantically-linked to since 2008. We hear that Victoria is about five months along and the couple are “totally happy” though the kid will be the stay-at-home dad’s Kevin’s fifth born to three mothers in less than eight years. For those not in-the-know, Feddy’ already had two kids with actress Shar Jackson (Kori, 8, and Kaleb, 6) before fathering sons Sean, 5, and 4-year-old Jaden with Spears.
Reps for Kevin and Victoria are keeping confirmation of the baby news under their hats. Spy-types with ties to the pair say we shouldn’t expect to hear the chimes of wedding bells anytime soon. Federline has allegedly refused to wed again because of the lucrative financial agreement he shares with his famous former wife, Star Magazine scooped back in December.
“She [Britney] pays spousal support until he remarries. If he does, his income would go way down,” a loose-lipped informant squealed at the time.
So just how much cash are we talking about? According to published reports, Kevin — who has sons Preston, 5, and four-year-old Jayden, with Britney — receives $20,000 per month in spousal support and $15,000 per month in child support.
“If he wed Victoria and she ever divorced him, then he’d have given up much of Britney’s dough and have to pay Victoria support. He cares about her, but he cares more about how much better off his bank account is if he stays unmarried.”