One of the joys of putting together FH is discovering artists whose work I would not have come across if not for the blog. Although I love posting the work of North American photographers, I have found myself taking virtual tours of different parts of the globe in search of work that inspires. For awhile, I was spending a lot of time in Australia where I found a never ending pool of talent and artistry. Over the past year or so I have spent a lot of time profiling the work of artists in London and the UK. Recently, for whatever reason, it has been France where I have found inspiration.
Photographer Daniel Marcus lives and works in Paris. It was not Paris however that inspired this series of shots. A trip this past January to Australia is where Daniel met up with and photographed 20 year old Arrian Zautsen from Wollongong. Wollongong is seaside city located in the Illawarra region of New South Wales.

Daniel Marcus has been taking photographs for about two and a half years. Currently Daniel works freelance in publishing, and photography is a hobby. He specialises in male nudes and portraiture. His most recent photos have been done for exhibitions and have been themed to issues including violence and constraints. Recently Daniel began a series of images that evoke modern dance. While the majority of his work is in black and white the shots of Arrian used natural light.

While in Australia earlier this year, Daniel discovered there were many models in the area. Using Model Mayhem, contacted a few and ended up with very good responses.
"Being away from home forced me to adapt to new situations, namely the bush near Melbourne (I had to find the location on Google Maps...) and in the apartment I was
occupying in Sydney: I'd been wanting to do some interior shots for ages
and unfortunately my apartment in Paris is not very photogenic."

When I saw Daniel's shots of Arrian I knew I wanted to share them on FH. There was a 'feel' to the shoot, a quietness, a soulfulness that came through not only in Arrian's eyes, but the lighting and viewpoint used. I especially loved the shots of Arrian in the chair. Through Daniel's lens, it is clear there is something going on for Arrian, something on his mind, a discontent that creates a complexity, another layer to the shots. It was this additional layer that made Daniel's work with Arrian stand out to me.
A sincere thank you to Daniel for sharing his work with FH! Daniel is currently putting together his new website. When completed I will share the link as well as more of his work!