I have posted several times about Tucson model Steven Jutzi. Given the theme of FH is 'favorites' I have an odd curiosity about what the favorites are of those I profile and post about.
Steven says that Jamie Dominic is his favorite model (see more on Jamie below). 'He has an incredible body and he works hard for it - and he's passionate about everything he does'. Steven also puts Phil Fusco and Benjamin Godfre near the top of his list.
When I asked Steven what models or actors fill up the 'guy' folder on his computer, he replied that he shares his computer with other people and that he would be a little embarrassed if he had such a thing. 'I do save some images that inspire me - I have some physique shots of some of my favorite physique models - just to inspire me to want to improve my body. Which - I gained a little bit of weight recently that I'm now working off. In time!'

Steven lists his favorite photographers as Luis Rafael and Carlos Arias. 'I think with Luis Rafael I'd like to do some beach shoot, where I'm sweaty and oily and showing off my physique. With Carlos I'd be more creative and probably throw in some fake blood and some chains or something. He seems to be more edgier with concepts.'

Steven says that many things have inspire his work. 'I did one segment of a photo shoot with a photographer previously that was a boxing theme that was inspired by a shoot Madonna did with Tom Munro. It had a boxing theme as well.
What inspired me to be a model, was I had low self esteem, I had gone through a rough breakup, and I just wanted a medium to express my feelings. And as you can see in a lot of my work, I do express a lot of emotions.'
Steven says Re-invention. Constantly changing your style of posing, your physical appearance, working with different photographers is what keeps you fresh in the business. 'A lot of photographers have a cliche style, and diversity I really think is the key. If you are just going to be a physique model, people will get bored with you quickly.'
Steven just moved and switched jobs but says that he has lot of new and some fun ideas and his goal is to top the work he has already done!
You can follow Steven on Twitter HERE: or on Facebook HERE:

All Photos by Chaz De Visser of Visual Dimensions