So... Today I spent at home doing laundry, running errands and getting ready to go away for the weekend. The tv was on, but a friend was over so it was on mute. I was instructing my friend, who is going to watch my pets on all things animal as each member of my menagerie has special instructions (I know I know). One is terrified of thunder, the other hates the mailman there twirls around three times when they need out.
Anyway..I digress. At one point I was being told a story and could not help but stare right through them at the television screen at the shirtless and utterly hot Dominic Zamprogna who was awaking from what I later would read to be 'drugging'. (soaps still get away with stories of hot guys being drugged and stripped on a regular basis).
Pics below from Superherfan.net.

Well, after my friend left I had to google and learn more about ole Dominic. The show I was watching was General Hospital. How interesting that my research led me to quite a cool site called FH that had profiled him last year. Duh... I was a big fan of Dominic from his Days on Battlestar and Smallville but had not connected he was the guy on tv today. I don't currently watch any soaps but might have to give General Hospital a try. (Although I really disliked 'the Maurice (mob) Bernard show' which GH was the last time I tuned in). An added plus was that I am sure it was Adrienne Barbeau I also caught out of the corner of my eye. Anyway, here are some more shots of Dominic and my profile from last year below!

Pics below from video from Scenes of Male Skin.