'Harry Pearce Portraits' is in the business of recording the images of interesting and prominent people in both their raw and stylised forms.
It's mission is to portray photographically, Australians of all types, from schmucks to superstars, males and females, people in business, sports, the arts, music or just doing their stuff, whether as set pieces or in performance or events.

These images again aim at bringing forth elements of the person’s personality or issues in their lives uncovered during the shoot or in prior research and provide other visual clues as to their identity. The image of Michael – Law Clerk (above) is one example where Michael contemplates in the mirror image the question of whether being in the law is really for him as he prepares for that career.
I encourage you all to check it ‘Harry Pearce Portraits’ on Facebook by clicking HERE: The project is just getting off the ground and there is a truly unique element to the photographs. In most photo shoots the mission of the photographer and model is to express a fantasy, either for commercial purposes or promotion. In the case of the ‘Harry Pearce Portraits’, peeling off the surface layer, seeing how someone is really feeling about about an aspect of their life has led to some beautiful and unique portraits.