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Ryan Reynolds Swears Off Marriage

Hot alert! Ryan Reynolds looks every bit the beefcake on the latest cover of Details Magazine, but it sounds like marriage to Scarlett Johansson did a real number on the Green Lantern actor.

The former couple, who wed in 2008, announced their split last winter.

“Anyone who gets divorced goes through a lot of pain, but you come out of it. I’m not out of it yet. At all. But I sense that as I do come through it, there’s optimism. How can there not be?” he says. “I don’t think I want to get married again, but you always reevaluate these things. Any kind of crisis can be good. It wakes you up. I gotta say, I’m a different person than I was six months ago.”

Ryan says that the media’s speculation about why his three-year marriage ended was “the most disturbing part” of the

“What was happening privately was the exact opposite of what was being reported. There was no story and no scandal.”

And while Scarlett has swiftly moved on with an unlikely rebound guy — 50-year-old Sean Penn, Ryan says he’s relishing the single life with no real plans to settle down anytime in the near future.

“I have no interest in dating right now. It just seems so kind of alien to me at this point,” he says. “I’m very happy not to be in a relationship right now. That’s okay. I didn’t plan on it, that’s for sure . . . but that’s okay.”