Directed by Rolando Ramos
Camera work and Edit by Steve Ovendon
Starring Lin McEwan and Brandon Ruckdashel
Make-up by Lauren Crowell
Inspired by Chris Isaak's Wicked Game

Ok, I must admit I initially listened and watched the video for Feel by Lin McEwan because it included one of my favorite actors Brandon Ruckdashel. I watched the video the first time enjoying Brandon at his most beautiful. By the end of the first viewing I had to listen again...and again and again. McEwans deep haunting voice got inside my head and the images of the video and the sound of her voice are now a permanent part of me.
It was a bit ironic to research a bit about Lin today and stumble upon her site. Playing when you enter is beautiful song entitled 'Favorite Things'. The song and it lyrics frighteningly fit the motivation for this blog to a T. Lin McEwans voice is now one of my favorite things.
Find more about Lin at her Site HERE: and on Facebook HERE:
You will not regret clicking on Lin's site and listening to 'Favorite Things'. I stuck around for awhile and also listened to my favorite song by Lin 'Rest of Me'. Incredible!