I first saw shots of Levi Ward when DNA posted some shots of Levi on their website this past April. A couple of shots jumped off the page to me and those were the firemen themed shots of Levi shot by jtoPhoto. In researching Levi and his portfolio it was again Jim's (jtoPhoto) shots that stood above the rest.

The Photographer: jtoPHOTO:
Jim says that Photography has been a consuming hobby of his since he was in his early teens.
'I seem to go through life looking at things through a lens and trying to create a bit of art along the way, be it street photography, abstract, scenic or people.'
Jim has a deep love of fine art, black and white photographs and tries to stay true to that genre, but also says that there are so many amazing opportunities to be creative with digital photography. Jim's use of light withing his black and white is especially beautiful.
'I get intimidated at times by the talent that is out there, especially among up and coming photographers, and that is so easily accessed on the web. Technology is amazing for sharing, collaborating, or just helping get through a creative block.'
I can understand Jim's feelings of intimidation given the vast amount of talent out there working. That being said his skill and talent is certainly not at issue. When Jim related looking at the world through a lens I could identify completely. When I was studying to be an actor I saw everything in terms of how it played out as a scene in a play or a movie. I believe many artist do this. It is clear when enjoying Jim's work that looking at life the way he does has resulted in many incredible images.
Jim tells me that currently photography is his passion, not his profession. I also see this reflected in his work. There is a calmness, a quiet, a joy that comes through Jim's photos. When photography is a profession this sometimes gets lost as the demands of clients are also come into play.
I love the wide array of work Jim and Levi have shot. There is a vast difference in style, look and feel within their work together. Although my admiration for their collaboration began with the color and strength of the firemen shoot, as I saw more of their work together, the quiet beauty of Jim's black and whites of Levi have become my favorites.
Be sure to check out more of jtoPHOTO's work at ModelMayhem HERE: or his website HERE:
The Model: Levi Ward
Levi Ward:
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 150 lbs
Chest: 40
Waist: 29
Shoe: 9
Hair color: Red
Hair length: Short
Eye color: Hazel
Skin color: White

I was instantly intrigued when I saw Levi Ward's work for the first time. With his toned body, great face and beautiful red hair, Levi stood out. When researching more of his work it became obvious that Levi was someone who was not content just standing in front of a camera lens. It was clear he was an artist building a career. His portfolio is extremely diverse full of shots from fitness, fashion, sport, underwear and swimwear to extremely artistic, performance themed shots. With slight changes in his hair Levi can look dramatically different to match the mood and needs of the shoot he is working on.
Levi attends school full time and channels his artist side not only with modeling but as well into music (violin and guitar). Levi says that we can't forget the art aspect of modeling and it certainly is a clear theme throughout his work.

Jim says about Levi:
'I first started working with Levi a year ago when he was just making himself available as a new model. I've had the opportunity to do several shoots with him and the sessions are always a pleasure. Levi is very dedicated to creating excellent images and along with being an extremely easy going and likable guy he's a hard worker and always contributes whatever he can to make the shoot successful. He's had offers from well known photographers and I feel honored that he continues to allow me to work with him as he builds his portfolio.'
You can check out more of Levi at his ModelMayhem Page HERE:
When I began working with Jim on this post I had no idea that Levi Ward would be one of the finalist in Dylan Rosser's model search competition that I have posted about several times in the past. That being said I encourage you all to head over to Dylan's voting site HERE: and place your vote. Lets help Levi reach his goals!