When I first began FH I was not aware of the work of David Arnot. I now check out his work regularly. David has taken some of my favorite shots of many of the incredible models I have featured on the blog. Joshua Delos, Nick Ayler, Kyle Pinsonneault, Ray Santiesteban and Craig Malozzi all have been fortunate to be in front of David lens. Through his outstanding work, David Arnot has quickly become one of the top photographers of fine art.

David's work with Michael Macneal is not only my favorite of Michael's work, it is also my favorite of Davids. David does not usually use much in the way of set for his shoots. In most cases David uses only a white background and a touch of fashion. His focus stays clearly on the subject in front of him to create simple, yet stunning images. David clearly knew exactly how to shoot Michael and their work together is sexually charged while at the same time fun with a lightness and in many shots it appears Michael is about to break out in a giant grin at any moment.