It is rather odd to look back on some of the models I have profiled in the first year or two of FH. I often go back to do updates and when doing research sometimes discover some guys could no longer get work and have left the business. There is one model I am sure this will not happen to and that is the original Michael Macneal. I first saw Michael a couple of years ago on Boy Culture (see below), and he is still going strong today. If modeling were music, Michael would be the Madonna. If modeling were acting, Michael would be the Streep. Michael knows how to take on a role head on and how to change to meet the needs of the difficult business he is in.

There are many words that come to mind when describing Michael's work. Edgy, dark, unique and many others come to mind. All of these adjectives certainly fit, yet... don't quite do Michael justice. Michael is a risk taker who has worked with some of the most creative photographers in the business. He seems to have put fear to the side, changing his look, his hair and bucking trends to keep knocking out one amazing shoot after the other. Michael's look can change so dramatically that except for his tattoo's, I often have to look very closely to ensure it is indeed him.

The one word that I would say has remained consistent throughout all of Michael's looks is one I don't often use when profiling a model. That word would be sexy. It might seem odd that I don't often use that word given that I profile some of the worlds most beautiful men. I have written before that there are many models, and many photographers who shoot incredibly sexy shots, yet want to distance themselves from that particular adjective. It is refreshing that Michael seems to welcome it. Whether fully clothed or in next to nothing Michael uses his face, his talent as an actor, to create a character who is at his core, sexy.

When researching Michael it is clear he is popular with photographers and stylists who have worked with him. He has been described as 'amazing', 'professional', 'top of his game' and 'a joy'. Michael also seems to have fun with his work, getting into character and giving it his all.
From Michael's Website:
'Michael Macneal is described as 'The American model reincarnated from the 70's, revisited in modern key.' - GTV Italy 2010
It is difficult in 2010 with the internet, with MM, with the public always wanting something new, someone new, to maintain a career in the modeling business. Michael Macneal has found a way to remain current, to remain new.

Below: Backstage for photographer Ben Chang.

Michael Macneal
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 135 lbs
Waist: 29
Shoe: 10
Hair color: Black
Hair length: Medium
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: White
Experience: Experienced
Below: Michael by Rick Day.

Check out more of Michael at his ModelMayhem Site HERE: and Official Site HERE:
When you head to Michael's MM page, scroll down to check out his other links. Michael, also an actor, has been featured in various projects including several music videos. Below: Michael in Black Stone Cherry's 'Please Come In'