If you have read any articles about Ryan Kwanten or seen him interviewed you know he is worlds away from Jason Stackhouse. I know many fans of Ryan and True Blood were not thrilled the writers of True Blood spent season 2 focusing on Jason finding himself after the tragedies he went through in season 1. I think the disappointment might have had more to do with a lack of nude scenes, but I loved Ryan in season 2. Ryan is one of the hottest men on tv but he is also one of the most talented. It must be very difficult for an artist who wants to emote when many of his fans want the emoting to always occur pantless.

I say kudos to Ryan Kwanten for creating a unique and lovable yet terribly flawed character in Jason Stackhouse. Some of the other men on the show often get the spotlight but Jason is my favorite character to watch on TB, with our without pants.

Ryan in last weeks True Blood.