On Monday I posted an unknown series on model Michael M. that I later found out was by artist Mckenzie James. I have posted some of Mckenzie's work in the past, but that post had me revisiting some of his incredible work. Please check out my first profile of Mckenzie HERE: More about Mckenzie below.
Revisiting Mckenzie's work led me to a series on Canadian model Will Vloet. The series (at the end of the post) made the rounds on a few blogs last summer. I missed it then, but was happy to have stumbled upon it this week. Will has a great look and I especially love how his face photographs in profile. You can see more of Will's at Beatrice International Models and at Elite Toronto.

Will Vloet
Height: 6'2"
Waist: 30
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Suit size: 40"
Shoe size: 11 US

Below: William by McKenzie James:
I love the series below, both the outside shots and studio shots are equally beautiful. The first shot, the profile, is my favorite. Great Work!

I remember first seeing Mckenzie's work on Fantastic Mags a couple of years ago and I quickly had a longing to see more. Since then I have featured his work several times on FH, most notably when profiling model and actor Derek Allen Watson and model and musician Tim Moxam. Mckenzie, though his work, especially his black and white work, is able to do something special, something many great artists can do. Within a split second of viewing a shot, you instantly experience a change. A change of emotion, a change in how your feeling. When viewing some of Mckenzie's work I instantly feel a connection to the story. The first two shots below are good examples of what I am...not so eloquently...trying to say.
This shot of Will sitting on the sidewalk with his back to us, is one of my all time favorite photos. To describe why would only complicate the point I am trying to illustrate. It simply says so much to me without trying to say anything at all.