The Fearless Project:“an art and cultural initiative bringing together artists, outsiders, thinkers, musicians, designers, writers, creatives: anyone who has ever had the urge to do something outside of their comfort zone. The project celebrates the bold, the creative, the daring - the fearless in each one of us.”

"Projects within Fearless address the fears within us all — which may or may not include rejection, embarrassment, and surpassing the general boundaries an individual may present. Each individual project releases a powerful thrust to the mind, presenting personal relationships to particular scenarios; a look into realism and of course, fears."
A couple of weeks ago I posted about model and athlete Greg Kelley and his work with the wonderful JoeTickNow (Check that post out HERE:) There is something about Greg that tells me his is going to be big one day. Amazing body, amazing face and most importantly, an amazing attitude.
The other night I had the pleasure of viewing the video below featuring Greg. The video is part of Justin Violini's The Fearless Project. Justin says that the video entitled 'animation/temptation' speaks to how we cope with the things we are denied.
Make sure to find out more about The Fearless Project by checking out the official site HERE: You can also join the Fearless Facebook page to join in on the discussion.

Greg Kelley: Fearless

Photos via Homotography